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Exciting Things Ahead At Downey

April was a great month at The Foundry for me. Being a fairly new fellow, I was still learning the ropes by meeting my teachers, learning my school and gaining more and more information about the STEAM based experiential learning projects available for our students.

I had excellent conversations with teachers this month about the different ways The Foundry can assist in creating an environment conducive to STEAM based experiential learning. As I continue to work with Downey, my goal is to look at grade-level appropriateness of projects. I also plan to help teachers find more short-term projects as they are excited about brief exposure to students in this age group.

One great thing about my position as a Fellow that I wasn't quite expecting is that it is expanding my interest and expertise in areas of learning that I never had interest in previously. However, I now recognize the importance of familiarity and gaining literacy in these digital/tech spaces.

I am genuinely looking forward to using my new found interests to do what I can to enhance learning and create more opportunities for access and exposure for students at Downey!

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