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Looking Ahead

I just received a most exciting email from several teachers at Downey regarding The Downey Greenhouse. Downey has a greenhouse right on school property and moving forward, there is a group of teachers that are taking the initiative to develop a plan to utilize it well.

The ideas these teachers, led by Sara Hanford, are exploring will be great learning opportunities for students. The Downey Greenhouse has the potential to incorporate SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, ARTS and MATH. In addition to the STEAM aspect of this project, there is great potential to involve the community and local businesses. There have even been some offers by restaurants to take the vegetables that students grow.

I am looking forward to the development of this project! I'd love to eventually see student's families involved and truly make this a community garden! We'll put our heads together for to generate some creative ideas and see what the future holds.

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